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Home > Restaurant > Plachutta Vienna

Plachutta Vienna

The restaurant Plachutta at many locations in Vienna offers the world famous Tafelspitz.

Tafelspitz is boiled veal or beef in broth, served with a mix of minced apples and horseradish. It is considered to be as one of the many national dishes of Austria. Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, was a great lover of Tafelspitz. According to the 1912 official cookery textbook used in domestic science schools of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, “His Majesty’s private table is never without a fine piece of boiled beef, which is one of his favorite dishes.”

Plachutta Wollzeile
Wollzeile 38
1010 Vienna

Source Wikipedia | Photo Credit © By RobertK (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

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